Sunday, October 17, 2010

SVN Fall Showcase!

Friday, October 15 was SVN's Fall Showcase. Third grade sang three songs. Third grade students who are taking tap dance this year also performed.

Check out their performances.

Reading to Others

Last week Brooke decided she would like to read to Mr. Nick's pre-k class. She requested a time, chose a book, and read to the class. The pre-k students were very engaged and enjoyed her reading.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Farewell Martha Jane!

After two years Scuola Vita Nuova Charter School must say good-bye to Martha Jane. Martha Jane was rescued by Mrs. Buffa and the third grade class while they were in first grade. For the past two years Martha Jane has learned, played and napped beside the students. She will be greatly missed. Martha Jane will now spend her days relaxing at home.

Making Mental Movies!

In third grade we are working hard on thinking about our reading.  Students are encouraged to really put themselves into their stories by making mental movies, imagining themselves as the characters and making text to self connections.   Here is a video clip of a reading conference where Ms. Reeder and Coral talk about making mental movies.